Healing the Betrayer

To Become a Better Man

You have betrayed your partner? You have a secret sexual life? You are gaslighting your partner about the secret sexual life? You are manipulating your partners reality to cover up your secret sexual life?

When you look at this reality, are you ashamed of yourself? You have no idea how to get out of this destructive circle of acting out and lying? You are tired of the secretes you have in your relationship with your intimate partner?

If some of those statements click with your reality, contact me! I can help you understand those behaviors of yours. I can help you create the kind of man you long to be. I can help you live a reality with your partner without secretes, lies, shame, darkness and fear. A life of honesty, trust, safety, and real respect for your partner and yourself.

If you are interested in starting this challenging journey, contact me. Write me, so that we can make your first appointment to start your recovery journey. I am looking forward to your message.